Management and troubleshooting

This user guide helps you to manage your AV files on the u:stream server.

Correcting asynchronous video and audio tracks

Check, whether the picture and sound are synchronised when playing the original video on the local computer.

If you notice irregularities in the local copy of the video, you will have to correct them yourself. The u:stream support cannot help you with this.

If the original video is ok, transcode the video locally. Use the free converter Handbrake. Use one of the presets, e.g. Fast 720p30.

  • If the image and sound of the newly calculated video are synchronised when played back locally on the computer, upload it to the share streamin instead of the original video. If you receive an asynchronous file again after processing the recalculated video on the u:stream server, contact technical support.
  • If the recalculated video is asynchronous again, it must be assumed that the original video was encoded incorrectly or incompatible. In this case, too, support cannot provide any assistance.

Naming files

  • Before you upload a file to the u:stream server, make sure that there are no umlauts, special caracters or spaces in the file and directory names.
    If this happens inadvertently, you will be informed of this fact by e-mail. In this case – contrary to the general rule – you can change the file or directory name directly on the streamin share. The new processing is then initiated.
  • Name the files locally on the computer, only then upload the file(s) to the streamin share. Subsequent renaming on the streamin will lead to a processing error if the audio/video file is still being processed by the server at this point in time.
  • Recordings that have already been processed are deleted after being renamed and converted again under the new name. Not only does this mean that you have to recompute the converter, it also changes the links to the recordings, which you would then have to redistribute.