IP addresses

The IP address assigns a numerical label to a computer in a data network. All computers in the network of the University of Vienna are assigned an IP address from the following IP ranges:

  • IPv4:, oder
  • IPv6: 2001:62a::/31

Only IT representatives of the organisational units can manage IP addresses.

 Direct Link

Bluecat Address Manager

Form Berechtigung für IP-Adressen und DNS verwalten (Managing permission for IP addresses and DNS, in German)

Form IP-Adresse für u:card-Reader verwalten (Managing IP address for u:card reader, in German)

Accessing the Bluecat Address Manager

Using the Bluecat Address Manager of the ZID, IT representatives can register computers in the data network of the University of Vienna and edit IP addresses and DNS records (for instance, for the firewall for organisational units or DHCP).

User guides for standard workflows can be found in the u:wiki.

If you, as the IT representative of your organisational unit, require additional authorisations for your network blocks or domains, please apply for this at hostmaster@univie.ac.at.

Requesting an IP address

If you would like to request one or more IP addresses, please contact the responsible IT representative.

    Using IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)

    Most ZID services are accessible via IPv6. For the Wi-Fi, IPv6 addresses are assigned in addition to the IPv4 addresses.

    For net blocks of organisational units, you have to request an IPv6. Please send an e-mail to netzwerk.zid@univie.ac.at.

    Adjusting the security settings for IPv6

    The firewall rules and security options of IPv4 do not apply to IPv6 connections. As a general rule, IPv6 connections are preferred to IPv4 connections.

    For example: The .htaccess file of your website lists an IPv4 connection. Please complete it by adding the relevant IPv6 connection:

    # Data network Uni Vienna - IPv4
    Require ip 131.130. 77.80. 78.104.
    # Data network Uni Vienna - IPv6
    Require ip 2001:62a::/31

    If this IPv6 entry is missing, all IPv6 users will be locked out, even if they try to access the website from the data network of the University of Vienna.