
Exchange users can manage their personal mailbox themselves. The administration of Exchange for an entire organisational unit and of public folders is the responsibility of share administrators.

Managing your personal mailbox

Use the form Administrating Exchange mailbox.

Mailbox administration is available to all Exchange users. To log in, you require an active employee u:account. You can:

  • Check how much storage space you are currently using (Postfachgröße).
  • Grant other users access rights for your personal e-mail mailbox (Rechte vererben).
  • Authorise other users to send e-mails on your behalf (Recht "Senden als" vergeben).
  • Grant other users access rights for your entire personal Exchange account (Vollzugriff vergeben).
  • Request an alternative sender address for outgoing e-mails.

Please contact your IT representative to create a group mailbox or another shared resource (calendar, contacts, notes, etc.). The IT representative grants you the necessary privileges to use the group mailbox after s/he set it up.

Inherit permissions

  • To inherit permissions from one folder or mailbox to subfolders, you first have to enter these permissions in the folder or mailbox of the Outlook version installed on your device.
  • If the folder name contains a slash, you cannot inherit the permissions: Rename the folders that have a slash in their name. For example: Rename Invoices/2019 to Invoices_2019.
  • To revoke an individual UserID’s permissions for a folder, change the permission settings of the UserID to None. Next, inherit permissions to update the permissions structure. Do not delete the UserID completely. Otherwise, the associated permissions will not be updated.
  • The authorised user has to manually connect the mailbox or folder after the permission has been granted in Outlook.

Granting full access

You can grant any user full access to your Exchange mailbox using the form Administrating Exchange mailbox. The authorised user with full access to your mailbox …

  • can access all e-mails, calendar, tasks and contacts;
  • can edit filter rules and out-of-office messages;
  • can grant other UserIDs full access to individual or several folders in Outlook;
  • has to manually include the mailbox in the Outlook settings of his/her Outlook account to be able to access it;
  • is not listed in the list of authorised UserIDs in the folder properties in Outlook.

Managing Exchange for an organisational unit

Use the form Administrating Exchange.

The Exchange administration option is only available to share administrators at organisational units that use Exchange. You can:

  • grant individual users the right to use Exchange;
  • share a public folder or a public mailbox using the menu item Rechte vererben (inherit rights) and transfer the related permissions to the subfolders. This is necessary to include new users into an existing rights structure.
  • create a public folder with an own e-mail address.

When setting up Exchange, a public root folder with the name Annn as well as a group mailbox with the address is created automatically. Annn stands for the abbreviation of your organisational unit, e.g. A140 for the ZID.


You may not rename the root folder as this might cause problems with the permissions.


Please note the information specified under Inherit permissions and Granting full access.

Managing public folders

A public folder serves to share e-mails, appointments or contacts with a group in Exchange. Only share administrators can manage public folders. Administration is only possible using the Outlook client and Outlook Web Access (OWA).

  • In the root folder, you can set up a public folder with a corresponding Exchange e-mail address under Folder mit E-Mail-Adresse anlegen (creating folder with e-mail address).
  • The corresponding e-mail address is automatically generated and displayed when you create the folder. You cannot change this e-mail address.
  • However, you may rename or move the folder. E-mails sent to the generated address are always available in this folder. For this purpose, you have to asign the right Erstellen (create) or Stufe 1 (level 1) to the users Anonym (anonymous) and Standard.
  • Under menu item Rechte vererben (inherit rights), you can transfer all rights of the specific folder to all subfolders. This is necessary to include new users into an existing rights structure.

You should primarily use public folders with e-mail addresses to receive e-mails. Use a group mailbox to send e-mails as a group.