IT news


Using IT securely: new interactive information and training programme

Strengthening employees’ IT security skills with videos, quizzes and webinars to ward off cyberattacks – that is the aim of a new information...


Interested parties can now find out about the basics of digital accessibility in a flexible self-study programme with the help of an online course.


Ob Bild- und Videobearbeitung, Layout oder Illustrationen – Studierende können nun die Adobe Creative Cloud vergünstigt über den ZID beziehen....


From mid-August, users of centrally managed PCs will be able to decide for themselves which Adobe apps they install on their computers. The...


One of the tasks of the ZID is to implement measures for the security of the IT infrastructure of the University of Vienna. It is equally important to...


New look, new features, new navigation for the e-learning platform of the University of Vienna.


From 3 July 2023, the use of the University of Vienna’s VPN service will be more secure than ever: the login will then only be possible with...


Was braucht es, um Uni-Rechner zu vernetzen? Die meisten Nutzer*innen ahnen nur: sehr viel komplizierte Technik. Der ZID hat nun im Hintergrund ein...


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Studierende und Mitarbeiter*innen der Universität Wien sind automatisch für den Newsletter registriert.


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