Ordering hardware becomes even easier


The ZID's new u:shop hardware goes online on 27 June.

Buying standardised IT equipment for the organisational unit's workplaces at long-term, consistent and therefore calculable costs? The ZID's u:shop hardware makes it possible!

To further simplify the ordering of PCs, monitors, laptops etc., the web shop is now being relaunched: From 27 June, all ordering processes will be digital and the budget charge can be viewed on a daily basis. Hand-signed and then scanned order forms will finally be a thing of the past. 

What exactly will change?

  • Online ordering: Orders are placed online in the u:shop hardware, a signature is no longer necessary. 
  • Larger selection: All users can choose from the hardware shop's full range of products. The restriction to BBG offers no longer applies.
  • Customised offers: If you can't find what you're looking for in the sortiment, you can request the desired product with just a few clicks, obtain a quote for it and, if desired, order it directly via the Servicedesk. 
  • Easy pick-up: Products that are labeled as in stock at the ZID can be picked up directly.
  • Up-to-date overview: All orders are pre-entered in SAP. This means that the cost centre is debited in real time. Outstanding deliveries and open invoices are immediately visible. Payment is made as usual via Q-Flow.

What do you need to do?

If you are already a registered u:shop hardware user, you don't need to do anything. Apart from the design of the u:shop hardware, nothing will change for you. 

If you are not registered yet or have previously ordered hardware by e-mail to einkauf.zid@univie.ac.at, you will need to register after the relaunch and have your existing cost centre(s) or order number(s) activated. This is quick and easy. You will find a detailed user guide directly in the u:shop hardware from 27 June 2024.

[Translate to Englisch:] Illustration u:shop-Hardware