UPDATE: Service interruption Moodle I

24.07.2023 - 26.07.2023

UPDATE: The first maintenance cycle has been successfully completed and Moodle is available again.

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The Zentraler Informatikdienst (ZID) is currently preparing a comprehensive update of Moodle. It includes an upgrade from version 3.11 to version 4.2, the implementation of new features, a completely redesigned interface, and the clean-up of unneeded activities and materials. 

In order to implement these changes, 2 service interruptions are necessary, on each of which Moodle will be unavailable for the whole day

  • The first interruption will take place in the period 24–26 July 2023. Please take this into account when planning your e-learning activities.
  • A separate maintenance notification will be sent in good time before the second interruption, scheduled for 21–23 August 2023.

The changes will be visible to users from 24 AugustExisting Moodle courses will continue to be available in the new design.

We ask for your understanding.