IT news


Using IT securely: new interactive information and training programme

Strengthening employees’ IT security skills with videos, quizzes and webinars to ward off cyberattacks – that is the aim of a new information...


Interested parties can now find out about the basics of digital accessibility in a flexible self-study programme with the help of an online course.


After more than 15 years, the oldest ZID service for video management is now retiring: the u:stream server is being switched off. From 1 February...


Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH was selected as the new provider in December 2023. The responsible project managers Stefan Lippitsch and Monika Neuwirth...


The ZID strongly advises against using the free new Outlook for e-mail addresses of the University of Vienna.


ID Austria will start regular operations on 5 December. For the time being, nothing will change for u:sign users.


Employees conducting research activities in Azure in the summer semester 2024 can apply for funding until 31.12.2023.


Bis inklusive 23. Oktober ist das Verkaufsfenster von u:book noch geöffnet: mit speziell ausgezeichneten Jubiläumsgeräten, einem großen Gewinnspiel...


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