Using IT securely: new interactive information and training programme


Strengthening employees’ IT security skills with videos, quizzes and webinars to ward off cyberattacks – that is the aim of a new information programme from the ZID.

Insecure passwords, unknowingly installed malware or careless logins with the u:account on fraudulent websites: The actions of users have a significant impact on IT security at the University of Vienna. Statistics show that attackers are often successful. At least 9 higher education institutions and universities in German-speaking countries were victims of a cyberattack in the second half of 2023.

“Seize the opportunities of digitalisation? Surely! Find out how you can protect your data, systems and the University of Vienna’s IT infrastructure in compact videos and information provided by the ZID”, says Ronald Maier, Vice-Rector for Digitalisation and Knowledge Transfer. 

Quick and entertaining information with videos and quizzes

The ZID’s new information and training programme consists of:

  • Videos: They bring the topics of Dangers in e-mails as well as Password security closer in a compact and entertaining way.
  • Quizzes: Following the videos, but also independently of them, you can test your own knowledge in a fun way.
  • Webinar: Experts from the IT security team teach employees about IT security in the context of everyday work.

The tried-and-tested IT security tips provide further information.

To the information and training programme on the Intranet

Ulf Busch, CIO of the University of Vienna, emphasises that anyone can easily take measures to prevent IT attacks: “You should always take a critical look at e-mails and messages before opening links and attachments. It is equally important to choose secure passwords that you don’t share with anyone and keep them safe, for example with the help of a password manager.” If employees apply this knowledge in their daily work, they are making an effective contribution to IT security at the University of Vienna.

This can happen

One of the dangers is phishing (from password and fishing). For example, employees enter their u:account access data on a fraudulent website. The access data stolen in this way can be used to penetrate the IT infrastructure and cause damage. But insecure passwords can also enable attacks.

Another means used by cyber criminals to gain access to IT systems is malware. This can be hidden in e-mail attachments, for example. Once infected, it can encrypt data, transfer data or spy on access data unnoticed. 

Financial fraud attempts can also cause damage. Personalised e-mails to employees of the University of Vienna are the bait. The aim is usually to transfer money to supposed superiors or work colleagues or to send them vouchers.