Stronger passwords to protect the university’s IT infrastructure


A secure IT infrastructure also requires the secure use of passwords. On 21 March, the Passwords Terms of Use used in the context of the ZID’s IT services will be adapted.

Many IT services of the University of Vienna can only be used after logging in with the u:account, consisting of the UserID and u:account password. This gives users certain access rights to the IT infrastructure. A separate Wi-Fi password must be used to access the Wi-Fi service (eduroam). The Password Terms of Use specify the requirements for passwords. These include specifications on the complexity and length of passwords as well as how and where they may be used. This minimises risks and reduces the danger of unauthorised access.


The Passwords Terms of Use will be updated on 21 March. The upcoming changes include:

  • Newly created u:account passwords must contain at least 10 characters (instead of the previous 8 characters).
  • The use of a password manager is strongly recommended.
  • It is recommended to activate multi-factor authentication (MFA), if optionally available. 


Requirements for ZID passwords

Users can manage their u:account password and their Wi-Fi password themselves. ZID passwords must fulfil the following requirements:

  • at least 10 characters
  • at least 1 letter (a-z, A-Z) and 1 other character (number and/or special character)
  • not identical to a UserID
  • significantly different from other passwords (e.g. for social networks, web shops)
  • is not used more than once
  • is not easy to guess
  • is not included in common password lists

If necessary, use the password tips for creating secure passwords.


What is a password manager?

A password manager is software that helps users to createmanage and use their individual access data. There are different technical solutions. Possible variants are

  • in the browser
  • installed locally
  • cloud solution
  • included in the operating system (such as Apple Keychain)

Information on password managers can be found on the IT security pages of the ZID.


If you have any questions, please use the Servicedesk form.

Password illustration