Using IT securely – learn more interactively

Your actions are crucial for the security of the IT at the University of Vienna. Educate yourself with our videos, quizzes and information pages on this topic.


Entertaining videos will familiarise you with the most important IT security topics.

Dangers in e-mails

Duration: 13:04 minutes

You can activate English subtitles via the Subtitles button in the video controls.


  • Dangers: Phishing, malware, fraud
  • 7 features that should make you suspicious
  • Dealing with fraudulent messages correctly

Password security

Duration: 07:32 minutes

You can activate English subtitles via the Subtitles button in the video controls.


  • Creating a secure password
  • Using a password manager
  • Multi-factor authentication


Test your knowledge in a fun way with short quizzes.

Dangers in e-mails

8 questions, duration: approx. 5 minutes

Illustration Quiz E-Mail

PC, laptop and smartphone

8 questions, duration: approx. 5 minutes

Illustration Geräte-Quiz

Password security

7 questions, duration: approx. 5 minutes

Illustration Passwort-Quiz

Your feedback

  • Did you know the right answer?
  • Were the questions too easy or just right?
  • What was particularly tricky to answer?

Write us via, we look forward to your feedback!

The IT security tips make your daily work on the computer safer. Find out more about the following topics:

Info pages

Illustration IT-Security-Tipps


Did you already know?

  • At least 9 higher education institutions and universities in German-speaking countries were victims of a cyberattack in the second half of 2023.
  • These are often ransomware attacks. This involves encrypting data and thus rendering the IT infrastructure unusable.
  • The times before public holidays and weekends or during school holidays are popular for attacks.


What makes the university special?

Freedom in research and teaching is practised at the University of Vienna – and therefore also in the choice of IT tools required for this. However, this freedom also means that each individual must handle their own and the university’s IT systems responsibly.

Ulf Busch
CIO of the University of Vienna

Foto Ulf Busch

Why is IT security important?

All it takes is a single computer infected with malware, a poorly programmed personal web page or a password captured by criminals to enable serious attacks on the IT infrastructure.

Christoph Campregher
Head of the IT Security staff unit at the ZID

Foto Christoph Campregher

Do you have questions?

Use the IT-Security servicedesk form to contact the ZID’s IT security team.