Managing tasks – Jira

Employees of the University of Vienna can use the Jira software to create, prioritise and manage tasks for their team, department or project.

Using Jira

Jira is a software that allows you to collaboratively record any type of task, for example within a project team, edit it and track it throughout the entire work process until it is completed. The software makes it possible to add and collect any information about tasks, to define the workflow of a task and to evaluate these workflows afterwards.

Tasks are called issues in Jira. They are always assigned to a project. The tasks of a project can be displayed in Jira in different views, for example on Kanban or Sprint boards, in order to structure, visualise and edit them. You can find more information on this in the user guide Getting an overview.

Obtaining a Jira project and a Jira licence

To be able to use Jira, you need a Jira licence. This must be assigned to at least one Jira project. You can apply for both the Jira licence and Jira projects via a servicedesk form.

Jira projects are assigned to a team, department or organisational unit. Administrators of a Jira project can independently add users who already have a Jira licence to their projects.

The costs for Jira projects and Jira licences are currently paid for by the ZID.


You will learn about the most important functions in Jira in the regularly held IT courses on Jira

Accessibility Statement

For information on the accessibility of the service, see Accessibility Statement (in German).

 User guides

To the Jira user guides