TV streaming

Organisational units can obtain a wide range of radio and TV offers for their employees from stations regulated by public law or private through the data network of the University of Vienna. Available are Austrian channels as well as channels and stations from the European science network.

Requesting TV streaming

TV streaming is only available to employees at registered organisational units. To request the service, the head of the organisational unit has to contact the Servicedesk.

Accessing the programmes

  • You require a computer with an installed VLC media player or a television set with an active set-top box.
  • You can see the list of available programmes in your VLC media player.
  • You are not allowed to distribute the content of the programmes or give third parties access to them.

Technical requirements

  • You can only use this service within the University of Vienna's data network. It does not work via Wi-Fi, VPN or in the computer rooms.
  • The service only works at locations that are connected to the data network via fibre cable network connection.