Ordering a DeepL account for employees

This user guide will help you to obtain a DeepL account for the University of Vienna via the self-service portal.

  1. Access the self-service portal (outside the university data network via VPN). Log in with u:account in the format u\UserID and password.
  2. Click on Catalog in the menu on the left and then on Accounts.
  3. Select DeepL account and order the product.
  4. Once the order has been approved, you will receive an e-mail from one of the administrators of the Licensing & Training team at the ZID inviting you to join the University of Vienna team.
  5. You will then receive an e-mail from DeepL. Click on the link provided in the e-mail to join the team and create a DeepL account.

    Attention: You can only join the University of Vienna team if you are not already logged into DeepL. Log out of all your DeepL accounts or delete them if you have previously used DeepL with an account you created yourself.
  6. Sign up by entering your e-mail address in the Email field in the following format: u:account-UserID@univie.ac.at (e.g. musterm1@univie.ac.at).
  7. Click Continue and then enter a self-chosen password.

    Please note that the password should not be the same as the u:account password and follow the password tips provided by the ZID.
  8. Click on Create account. In the following window click on Join team.
  9. The last step welcomes you to the team. Click on Get started. Now you can use DeepL in the Pro version with advanced data protection.
  10. To complete the registration, you will receive another email from DeepL requesting you to confirm your email address. Click the Confirm email address button. Click Continue.
  11. Please note that for professional purposes you may only use the Pro version provided by the University of Vienna. Only with this account you can use the software in compliance with data protection laws.

    Click on the initials field in the top right corner of the DeepL website to check whether you are logged in correctly. If you are logged in correctly, a green field with the label Pro will appear in the DeepL Übersetzer (Translator, in German) and DeepL Write fields.
  12. Read the terms of use (in German) and make sure you are always signed in when using DeepL.


For information on how to use and install desktop apps, please visit the DeepL websites

After a successful registration, the initials UW (Universität Wien, in German) appear in the top right corner of the DeepL website. You can change this display by clicking on the initials field and then on Konto (account, in German). Click on Ändern (change, in German) in the Anzeigename (displayed name, in German) field to customize it.