Software for employees

Organisational units of the University of Vienna can rent software subject to licensing requirements on beneficial terms (standard software) at the ZID for their employees. The product portfolio is based on the organisational units’ requirements.

The IT representatives are mainly responsible for ordering and managing the software. 


Newly available: DeepL and Grammarly

Do you write English texts or need to translate texts? These newly available software products for employees can help you with such tasks:

  • The AI-based translation software DeepL can translate individual words and sentences as well as entire documents and is available in the browser or as an app. Included functions are context-related translation suggestions as well as the customisation of terms and style preferences.
  • The Grammarly software helps to improve the quality of English texts. It recognises and corrects spelling, grammar and punctuation errors and makes suggestions to improve style, clarity and comprehensibility. Grammarly is available in the browser, for Microsoft Office and mobile devices.

End of support for Windows 10

Microsoft’s support for Windows 10 ends on 14 October 2025. After that date, secure operation for computers with the Windows 10 operating system is no longer guaranteed.

For this reason, from 1 December 2025 the ZID will deactivate log-in to centrally managed PCs with Windows 10.

Please contact your IT representative in good time to organise the switch to Windows 11.

Who can obtain software?

The beneficial terms of the ZID only apply to units of the University of Vienna. The supply of software from the ZID product portfolio is subject to a service obligation of the University of Vienna.

Entitled persons

All persons with an active employment status at the University of Vienna can obtain software via the ZID self-service portal. This includes emeritus professors as well as research fellows, who are listed in the staff directory.

Non-entitled persons

Members of the University, who do not belong to any of the groups above, have to contact the IT representative at the relevant unit if they have any software-related questions. For licensing reasons, they cannot obtain software from the ZID product portfolio.

Students are principally not entitled to order software.

What software is available?

The product portfolio is based on the organisational units' requirements.

As most organisational units at the University of Vienna use Windows operating systems, the product range in this area is most extensive. Individual subject-specific products are sometimes not available, as the University of Vienna cannot get a financial advantage due to the low number of required licenses.

Centrally managed PCs 

The available software products for centrally managed PCs (managed clients) are listed under ASP Deployment Info:

  • Free software is labelled with |K|.
  • Fee-based software is labelled with |S| and has to be ordered on the self-service portal. This is where you can also check the current prices. In the self-service portal, fee-based software is labelled with the prefix m: (for managed) in the Catalog section.


If a specific software for centrally managed devices is not available, please contact your responsible IT representatives.

Locally managed PCs

Available software for locally manged PCs (unmanaged clients):

  • In the self-service portal, fee-based software is labelled with the prefix u: (for unmanaged) in the Catalog section.
  • Free software is not provided by the ZID, but has to be ordered from the suppliers.

For further information about ordering software, please see under Self-service portal.

Software and asset management (SAM)

The automated order and supply procedure via the self-service portal is based on a software and asset management (SAM) system. It allocates assets (devices such as computers, laptops, etc.) to main users and the related organisational unit. It provides an overview of existing assets, the software installed on them as well as the costs involved.

The administrators as well as the IT representatives at the University of Vienna are responsible for managing assets and related allocations.


  1. IT representatives: Search u:find for your organisational unit. There you can find the names of IT representatives.
  2. Faculty supervisor of your faculty 

IT representatives contact the Licensing & Training team with the form Anfrage zu Softwarebestellungen (Requesting software orders, in German).