ZID software portfolio Terms of Use
- Last modified on: 21.10.2024
- Approved by: Ulf Busch
- Responsible for content: Eva Schadinger
- Editing and design: IT Communications & Marketing
Terms of use for using software from the software portfolio of the Zentraler Informatikdienst (ZID):
- The University of Vienna provides its institutions and employees with software (hereinafter referred to as “Software”), which the University of Vienna is authorised to use on the basis of licence agreements with the manufacturers. These terms of use define the scope within which this Software can be used.
- The users expressly undertake to comply with the University of Vienna’s terms of use as well as the licence terms of the respective manufacturer (EULA; see License and contract information online). The heads of institutions of the University of Vienna are required to oblige their employees who use Software from the ZID’s Software portfolio to comply with these terms of use.
- The licence terms set forth that the University of Vienna is allowed to use the Software only for the following purposes: a) for teaching b) for research c) for the development of teaching software d) for internal administration purposes (unless specified otherwise) e) for software development related to items a) to d). The Software may only be used for the aforementioned purposes in the course of work for the University of Vienna but not for other institutions such as external working groups or research societies (unless explicitly agreed otherwise). Its use for commercial purposes is prohibited in any case.
- The Software and all licence information (e.g. serial numbers, user account information) must not be passed on to third parties. Neither are users allowed to entitle third parties to make copies of the Software or the documentation.
- A separate licence is required for each installation and/or every single use on a computer/cloud platform; this applies also and in particular to virtual instances. Any potential extended usage rights of individual Software products are specified under License and contract information online; such rights shall apply only under the conditions mentioned there.
- The licence period of Software products for the respective institutions or employees is always limited. The licence period is specified in the ZID’s Software portfolio when purchasing the respective Software. However, it is possible to renew a licence for a limited period of time. Upon expiration of the licence period, the right to use the respective Software shall expire accordingly.
- Software usage shall be limited to the term of validity of the licence as purchased by the University of Vienna. The right to use the respective Software shall expire upon termination of the underlying licence agreement with the manufacturer.
- Upon termination of the employment relationship of the respective user at the University of Vienna or, if applicable, at its affiliated companies, the right to use the software expires. Users will be informed of this promptly during the account expiration process and will have the opportunity to back up their data. If an employee loses the right to use the software, their data will be deleted. Users are responsible for ensuring that previously shared data remains available to the appropriate persons if desired.
- When the right to use the Software expires, the Software shall be uninstalled and any copies of the Software, e.g. backup copies, shall be destroyed. The University of Vienna has the right to ask for proof that the Software was uninstalled.
- With the use of the licence, internal costs incur to the respective institution of the University of Vienna. The prices for internal settlement are specified in the respective Softwareliste.
- The agreements with the manufacturers oblige the University of Vienna to ensure compliance with the licence terms (EULA). The licensor (manufacturer) has the right to check whether the licence terms are properly complied with and to ask for proof in this respect. The users as well as the respective institutions are therefore obliged to provide the ZID with all the information and the respective documents required to check compliance with the licence terms.
- If the information provided reveals a violation of licence terms or if such violation is detected in any other way, the respective institution shall immediately obtain additional licences.
- The ZID does not assume any warranty for the availability, functionalities and usability of the Software for the purposes intended by employees. If the Software cannot be installed or lacks in functionality for the user's purposes, this shall not result in any warranty claims or right to rescission. The University of Vienna does not assume any liability for direct or indirect damage or consequential damages resulting from the purchase and use of the Software.
- The Data Protection Declaration of the University of Vienna, the Data Protection Declaration of the University of Vienna – cloud services and other IT applications (in German), as well as the Frameworks Agreement data (PDF, in German, login), provide users with information on the suitability of data that can be utilised when using software from the ZID software portfolio.
- The Software products are provided “as is”. Advice regarding installation and functionality cannot be guaranteed.