For all users
- E-mail service: E-mail addresses, managing e-mails, requesting a service e-mail address
- Webmail and OWA: edit mailbox in a browser
- Forwarding: Automatically forward messages sent to an e-mail address at the University of Vienna
- Out of office message: Setting up automatic replies in case of abscence
- ACOnet FileSender: Sending large data
- Mailing list: Sending e-mails to a constant or small group of recipients
- Mass mailer: Sending e-mails to a larger group of recipients
- Spam filter: Setting up a filter for unwanted (promotional) e-mails
- Test e-mail: E-mail address for testing the e-mail programme
For employees only
- Exchange: Communication platform with e-mail functionality and share functionalities (shared calendar, shared administration of contacts)