This user guide helps you to access a share or a web space via SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol).

SSH/SFTP/SCP ab 30.06.2025 aufgelassen

Der Zugriff auf die Online-Speicher des ZID per SSH/SFTP/SCP wird aus Sicherheitsgründen ab 30.06.2025 aufgelassen und nur noch per Netzwerklaufwerk (SMB) angeboten.

Bitte verwenden Sie für den Zugriff die Anleitungen für Windows, macOS und Linux.

This is useful when you …

  • are not in the data network of the University of Vienna and want to transfer larger files.
  • want to log in to the same server with various u:account userIDs.

The files are transferred encrypted. Most operating systems require the installation of a specific program.


Depending on the operating system and program, editing a file is often only possible to a very limited extent without first copying it locally to your hard drive.

Windows – WinSCP


  • A valid u:account userID and password.
  • The software WinSCP must be installed on your device. You can download it for free on the WinSCP website.

Setting up WinSCP

In the login window type in the following details:

  • File protocol: SFTP
  • Host name:

    • Online storage space: – The online storage space will no longer be accessible via SFTP from 1 July 2024. 
    • Share: (e.g.: The X in the host name must be replaced by the number associated with the share server. You can find the number in My u:account.
    • Web space:

  • Port number: 22
  • User name:

    • Online storage space: u:account userID (e.g.: zufallr0) The online storage space will no longer be accessible via SFTP from 1 July 2024. 
    • Share: u:account userID (e.g.: zufallr0)
    • Web space: u\u:account userID (e.g.: u\zufallr0)

  • Password: Your u:account password

Click Login to connect to the server.
If you do not want to type in your login details again when setting up a connection, save them with the Save button.

Screenshot WinSCP - New SFTP connection

When connecting for the first time, you have to confirm the SSH key by clicking Yes.

Screenshot WinSCP - trust the server's host key

You are now connected to the server. On the right hand side of the window you can access the files of the online storage space or share.

Only until 1 July 2024: If you are connected to the server (does not apply for or any other server) change to the folder fileserver. This is the storage space for your files.

Screenshot WinSCP - access to remote files

macOS – Cyberduck


  • A valid u:account userID and password.
  • The software Cyberduck must be installed on your device. You can download it for free on the Cyberduck website.

Installing Cyberduck

On the top left click Open Connection.

Screenshot SFTP Cyberduck - Neue Verbindung

In the new window, type in the following details:

  • SFTP (SSH connection)
  • Server:

    • Online storage space: – The online storage space will no longer be accessible via SFTP from 1 July 2024. 
    • Share: (e.g.: The X in the host name must be replaced by the number associated with the share server. You can find the number in My u:account.
    • Web space:

  • Port: 22
  • Username:

    • Online storage space: u:account userID (e.g.: zufallr0) The online storage space will no longer be accessible via SFTP from 1 July 2024. 
    • Share: u:account userID (e.g.: zufallr0)
    • Web space: u\u:account userID (e.g.: u\zufallr0)

  • Password: Your u:account password

Click Connect.

Screenshot SFTP Dateneingabe Anmeldefenster

You should be connected to the server now.

Screenshot SFTP Server verbunden