Managing files and the desktop on the standard administration PC

This user guide helps you to manage files and the desktop on your standard administration PC.

Deleting files

  • When you delete files from the server via Windows Explorer, the view might not be refreshed immediately. To refresh the view, press the F5 key or select the menu item View - Refresh.
  • As all data are saved directly on the file server, the recycle bin feature at your workplace does not work the way you are used to from your private PC. Deleted files are usually deleted immediately.
    If you have accidentally deleted a file which has already existed the day before, our administrators can recover it. In this case, please contact the ZID Helpdesk or the Service Delivery team. Indicate the exact name and storage location of the file in question, as well as the moment you used the file for the last time.

Saving files to the desktop

When you save documents of a program (like Word or Excel) directly to the desktop, the respective icons might not be displayed immediately. To display the icons of these documents, refresh the desktop view by pressing the F5 key or right-clicking the desktop and selecting Refresh.

Adding program icons to the desktop

  1. Select the desired program icon via Start – All apps >.
  2. Click it with the left mouse button and drag it onto the desktop.

Icons on the desktop are arranged differently or missing

  • If the PC has not been shut down properly or the connection to the server has been briefly interrupted, the original arrangement of icons can be lost. The icons will then be arranged automatically from top to bottom on the left side of the screen.
  • If the connection to the server has been briefly interrupted, icons might disappear.
    To display the icons again, please press the F5 key or right-click the desktop and select Refresh.

Y drive is not available after logging in

If the Y drive is not available after logging in, you can recover it by selecting the Tools folder on the desktop and then Login-Skript erneut ausführen (Execute login script again, in German).

Connecting web space as drive on the PC

This is how you connect the web space as a drive (e.g. as N drive):

  1. Select Start – Windows System – Command Prompt
  2. Enter: net use N: \\\userid /USER:userid
    Instead of userid, please enter the UserID you received from the WWW administrators.
  3. A window appears prompting you for the password. If you are not prompted for your password and the drive is not connected, check if you have entered the correct UserID and if the respective drive letter (N) is already connected to another drive.

If you want the drive to be available after the next restart, add the following command to the line belonging to point 2: /PERSISTENT:YES