Test e-mail

You can use the e-mail address echo@univie.ac.at to test an e-mail account. You can use this service anywhere and with every e-mail address

Testing an e-mail account

  1. Send an e-mail to echo@univie.ac.at.
  2. You will receive an automatically generated e-mail with the following content at the sender address: 


 Vienna University Computer Center - Echo Service


 This message was generated upon your request by the

 automatic answering service.

 Answers are limited to _one_every_two_minutes_ to

 prevent abuse!

 Attached you'll find the first 4 kByte of your mail.


In addition, the automatically generated reply contains the headers and first 4 KB of your initial e-mail.

The system only answers to one e-mail every two minutes per sender address.