Workplace, software, hardware
For all users
- Videoconferencing – Zoom: Holding events and meetings online
- Printing and more – u:print: Print, copy and scan on all u:print devices
- Affordable laptops – u:book: Purchase high quality laptops, tablets, convertibles and accessories for a low price
- Microsoft 365: Software subscription with Office apps and Teams
- Collaboration and video conferencing – Microsoft Teams: Video conferencing and collaboration platform as part of Microsoft 365
Related services
- Computer rooms: Rooms with PC for study-related and research work
- IT courses: Courses on the topics of studies, research, Windows, Office, IT security, graphics, audio/video, Internet and Social Media
- Online LaTeX editor – Overleaf: Online editor for collaborative creation and editing of LaTeX documents
For students only
- Software for students: Affordable study-related software, Microsoft 365 Apps with Microsoft Teams and Windows 10 Education upgrade version for students for free
For employees only
- Software for employees: Obtain operating systems and application programmes for institutes and service units
- AI software – u:ai: use artificial intelligence to create texts, analyse and translate documents or perform calculations
- Hardware for employees: Obtain selected hardware products (Desktop PC, monitors, notebooks etc.) for institutes and service units via the ZID
- Centrally managed PC: PC for organisational units with centrally managed installation and software maintenance
- Ticket system – Servicedesk: Canalising and processing support requests
- Managing tasks – Jira (in German): Managing tasks for teams, departments and projects
- Digital signature – u:sign: Sign PDF documents using the ID Austria
- Voting online: Carry out confidential election or confidential ballot online (only for selected users)
- TV-Streaming: Radio and television programmes via the University of Vienna's data network
Related services
- Share: Online storage space with managed rights for organisational units