Online LaTeX editor – Overleaf
Employees and students can use the LaTeX editor Overleaf in their browser to collaborate on LaTeX documents online. Overleaf helps to facilitate collaborative writing, editing and creation of research papers or project reports.
Available Overleaf licences
Students of the University of Vienna receive an Overleaf Free licence. This includes the following functions:
- unlimited number of projects
- collaborating in real time with another person
- using templates
Employees of the University of Vienna receive an Overleaf Professional licence free of charge. In addition to the features of the Free licence, this enables:
- tracking changes in real time
- unlimited number of authors for documents
- full version history
Registering an Overleaf account
To register an Overleaf account and obtain an Overleaf licence from the University of Vienna, follow these steps:
- Open Universität Wien on Overleaf.
- Click on the button Log in with SSO at the bottom.
- Log in via Weblogin with your u:account.
If you already have an Overleaf account, you can link it to the Weblogin of the University of Vienna and thus obtain an Overleaf licence from the University of Vienna. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the Overleaf user guide Joining an Overleaf Commons Subscription.
Getting support
The University of Vienna only provides Overleaf licences. Technical support for Overleaf can be obtained via the contact form of the company Overleaf or the email address
- Employees can download LaTeX templates of the University of Vienna from the intranet (in German).
- The ZID also provides a web service for displaying LaTeX code.