SSL certificate for server

Organisational units at the University of Vienna can equip their servers with SSL certificates to establish an encrypted connection between the server and the user’s device.

An SSL certificate contains detailed information about the server to which you connected. It aims to guarantee that the owner of a website is in fact who they say they are.

The IT representatives are mainly responsible for ordering and managing the SSL certificates.

 Direct Link

Form Request a Certificate

Submit a request for an SSL certificate.


  • SSL certificates of the University of Vienna are free for users.
  • SSL certificates can only be issued to domains owned by the University of Vienna. If your domain is currently registered to another owner, you can transfer it to the University of Vienna.
  • It is not possible to issue SSL certificates to domains that are registered to individual employees or students of the University of Vienna.
  • SSL certificates of the University of Vienna must not be used for commercial purposes.
  • Special rules may need to be observed for financial transactions.
  • The domain with all services must be hosted on the servers of the University of Vienna. Justified exceptions require the approval of the IT security.

Requesting an SSL certificate

The request for a SSL certificate has to be submitted directly to the partner organisation via the form Request a Certificate.

  1. On the website, click Your Institution.
  2. Enter University of Vienna in the search box. Choose the respective entry.
  3. Log in via Weblogin of the University of Vienna. 
    The request has to be made by an active employee with an e-mail address of the University of Vienna.
  4. The ZID checks the request and approves it.
  • Requests for certificates for domains that do not end on take longer to process. Therefore, make your request in due time.
  • A Wildcard certificate for * can only be issued in case of special technical reasons. If necessary, choose a multi-domain certificate instead or add a comment to your request for a Wildcard certificate, specifying the technical reasons.


The ZID aims at approving certificates as fast as possible. However, we cannot guarantee a maximum processing time for domain requests.

Renewing an SSL certificate

New SSL certificates are valid for a maximum of 1 year. If necessary, it can be renewed before the end of the validity period.

From a technical point of view, a certificate is not extended when it is renewed, but reissued. If you apply for a renewal via the Enrolled Certificates page, you only need to replace the certificate after it has been issued, but not the Private Key on the server.