.univie.ac.at zone

Organisational units and subunits of the University of Vienna can apply for their own zone at .univie.ac.at to manage their computers and devices. This will then be assigned to a VLAN in the network. It is a prerequisite that the contents of the zone are used for university purposes.



You do not know which ZID service you need for the website of your organisational unit? Visit websites to find out more.

If you would like to use the TYPO3 service, you will find further information under CMS Typo3.

 Direct Link

Form Ordering subdomain services

Checking requirements

  • Only active employees of the University of Vienna can access the form Ordering subdomain services. Users with a u:account for external persons cannot request a subdomain.
  • For legal and organisational reasons, this service is only available to organisational units and subunits of the University of Vienna, as well as organisations affiliated with the University.
  • Requesting a subdomain is subject to a charge and requires the approval of the head of the organisational units. S/he will receive an e-mail containing a confirmation link. By clicking on the link, s/he confirms the request, which then becomes effective.
  • The subdomain entry in the Domain Name System (DNS) refers to a server of the University of Vienna. The zone is configured exclusively on the ZID servers. References to external servers, hosts or addresses are not permissible.
  • The subdomain has to be actually used. Registering a subdomain for later use (parking) is not possible. The ZID reserves the right to carry out corresponding checks and, if necessary, revoke the delegation.


Requesting a subdomain

Use the form Ordering subdomain services.

The ZID requires the following information to process your request. The details in the log-in box are partially prefilled.


Desired vHost/zone:

  • Freely selectable. It should not be too long and should refer to the organisational unit and/or the intended purpose. For example: fantasyprogramme.univie.ac.at 
  • Regarding the selection of names for subdomains (vHost/Zone), the first-come first-served principle applies. 
  • Names of persons, legally sensitive terms and terms that could harm the reputation of the University of Vienna are not accepted.

Action: Select Neuregistrierung.

Organisational unit:

  • Name and number of the organisational unit as well as cost centre. Currently, subdomains are not subject to a charge. However, you have to specify a cost centre.
  • In addition, please state the name of the head of your organisational unit and his/her e-mail address for confirmation and possible enquiries.
  • We will not disclose this information to third parties.


  • The administrator is the first point of contact for the ZID regarding any questions about the subdomain.
  • S/he has to be an active employee of the University of Vienna.
  • The administrator’s name is not publicly visible. His/her data will not be disclosed to third parties.


  • Select Zone if you would like to manage several computers.

Changing details of the subdomain

You are obliged to report any change of existing subdomain data. You can do so via the form Requesting subdomain services.

This applies, for example, if any details of the organisational unit, cost centre, contact persons or purpose change.

  • Enter the name of the subdomain under vHost/Zone.
  • Select Datenänderung (change of data).
  • The following input fields require you to provide the same information as in the form Requesting subdomain.

Renewing a subdomain

Once a year, the ZID sends an e-mail to the head of the organisational unit to clarify if the unit still needs the subdomain (renew). In addition, the head of the organisational unit has to check the data (allocation to the organisational unit, cost centre, administrator details) and update them if necessary.

The ZID will send one reminder. If there is no reaction afterwards, the ZID will delete the subdomain without any further inquiry.

Terms of Use

Please note the Nutzungsbedingungen Zone unter .univie.ac.at (regulations on registering and managing a zone under .univie.ac.at, in German).