PHAIDRA repository
PHAIDRA is the repository of the University of Vienna for data resulting from research, teaching and administration that are available as files (research results, publications or digitised media) and static websites.
It is based on open source software and is run by the ZID and the Vienna University Library. PHAIDRA stands for Permanent Hosting, Archiving and Indexing of Digital Resources and Assets.
Storing data
University members (employees, students and guests) can store and publish text, image, audio and video files (supported formats) via PHAIDRA with no storage limit.
Clarify the rights for a file before uploading it to PHAIDRA. You cannot delete objects once you have uploaded them to PHAIDRA. For further information, please see the legal FAQs about PHAIDRA (in German).
Files stored in PHAIDRA:
- are permanently stored and available;
- are provided with metadata (including more than 70 fields, of which 5 are mandatory, namely title, language, description, licence);
- have a permanent address;
- can be accessed from anywhere;
- can be linked to each other;
- allow for versioning.
Depending on your needs, you can restrict access to the files in PHAIDRA to different user groups. As a general rule:
- The metadata are available from anywhere in the world.
- People can find and access openly accessible files in the Internet.
The PHAIDRA repository complies with the FAIR principles. Data stored on PHAIDRA are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Instructions on how to upload files to PHAIDRA and what to consider are available under PHAIDRA services.
You can test PHAIDRA by means of a test system under
To access this test system, your device must be connected to the data network via cable, eduroam Wi-Fi (only at the University of Vienna’s locations) or VPN.
University members (employees, students and guests) can publish their Open Educational Resources (OER) via PHAIDRA. In this way, openly licensed teaching and learning materials created at the University of Vienna can be reused. OER can be uploaded in a wide variety of formats, such as:
- videos
- scripts
- audios
- quizzes
- images
- slide sets
- Moodle elements
If you would like to upload OER to PHAIDRA, click Upload in the menu and select Open Educational Resources (OER) upload. You will be taken directly to the OER input form, which ensures that all relevant metadata is recorded.
The published OER can be found centrally in the OERhub, the national search engine for OER from the Austrian higher education sector. This ensures the national visibility and findability of your educational resources.
To find out more about the University of Vienna’s Open Educational Resources services, visit the webpage Open Educational Resources.
Searching and reusing data
In addition to its function as a repository, PHAIDRA gives you the opportunity to reuse research data due do the already existing large data pool.
How to search for data in PHAIDRA?
- Open the PHAIDRA website and enter the search term in the search field to search for the data stored in PHAIDRA .
- With the filters in the right column, you can narrow down the results list, for example, to certain media types (videos, images, OER), licences or file sizes.
- If you click a search result, further information is displayed in the detail view and the file description. Via the Content box in the right column, you can download the object if the access permissions are set accordingly.
Further PHAIDRA services
Archiving data locally – PHAIDRA Local
PHAIDRA Local is a long-term archive that is independent of PHAIDRA and only accessible via the University of Vienna’s data network. The files archived in it and the associated metadata cannot be found or viewed on the internet, for example via search engines. PHAIDRA Local is therefore particularly suitable for sensitive files or for files with legal restrictions.
To access PHAIDRA Local, your device must be connected to the data network via cable, eduroam Wi-Fi (only at the University of Vienna’s locations) or VPN.
PHAIDRA Local has all the functions of PHAIDRA. In addition, you can delete files yourself.
Archiving static websites – PHAIDRA Webarchive
PHAIDRA Webarchive is a PHAIDRA service that allows you to archive websites that mainly or entirely consist of static content. Static content is characterised by the fact that it does not change when users interact with it. Examples include information websites, blogs or project websites
When archiving, the web crawler collects static HTML content, such as text and images, and thus generates static snapshots of the website. This makes archiving websites relatively easy and low-maintenance. PHAIDRA Webarchive thus ensures that archived websites load quickly and reliably even years later.
If you want to archive a static website, please contact PHAIDRA Support at
Collecting metadata for bibliographies – YARM for PHAIDRA
YARM for PHAIDRA is an add-on for PHAIDRA. It enables you to collect, save and publish metadata for topic- or project-specific bibliographies. You can retrieve data from YARM for PHAIDRA in PHAIDRA and use it for literature lists for individual objects, for example.
Creating ontologies – Vocabulary Server
With the PHAIDRA Vocabulary Server, you can collaboratively create multilingual ontologies with controlled vocabulary for research projects.
Policy and terms of use
The PHAIDRA Policy and the Terms of Use apply.