Store and share data


For all users

Related services

For employees only

Related services

  • Central backup: Creating backup for data that is not automatically backed up



Store and share any data

Access for/storage space: S = students, E = employees

Service Access for Suitable for Access via Authorisation for external persons Storage space Costs Restore data yourself
Online storage space

S, E

personal, only self-used data network drive,

special features:
automatically connected to centrally managed PCs,
VPN required outside the university data network
no S: 2 GB*,
E: 10 GB*
free of charge no

S**, E


data shared in projects, working groups or teams unlimited EUR 0.03 per GB/year yes
u:cloud S, E data stored for a short time or shared with others*** locally installed software, mobile app, browser yes (via public link) 50 GB free of charge
u:cloud pro S (via sharing function), E data shared in projects, working groups or teams*** 250 GB* EUR 0.03 per GB/year
OneDrive**** E personal, self-used data that can also be shared OneDrive app yes 50 GB free of charge within Microsoft 365 yes; no backup via the ZID
Adobe Creative Cloud***** S, E Creative Cloud app M: 100 GB free of charge within Adobe Creative Cloud

* Can be enlarged in justified cases
** Students can be authorised by share administrators
***Not suitable for a large number of rapidly changing, especially machine-generated files
**** Available only within Microsoft 365
***** Available only within Adobe Creative Cloud

A detailed overview of the possibilities to store, share and secure data at the University of Vienna can also be found in the news article Where to put my data? (in German).

Store and share research data

The following applies to all services in the table:

  • Available to students and employees
  • Unlimited storage space
  • Free to use
  • No data recovery possible by users
Service Suitable for Access via Authorisation for external persons
PHAIDRA long-term archiving of text, image, audio and video files browser yes
PHAIDRA Local long-term archiving of sensitive text, image, audio and video files or those with legal restrictions browser (only in the University of Vienna’s data network) yes (via u:account for guests)
PHAIDRA Webarchive long-term archiving of static web pages browser yes
YARM for PHAIDRA metadata for bibliographies or literature lists for individual PHAIDRA objects
PHAIDRA Vocabulary Server multilingual SKOS ontologies with controlled vocabulary
UNIDAM images for research and teaching with legal restrictions in exceptional cases
AUSSDA research data in the area of social sciences yes
GitLab long-term archiving of source code of software browser, Git

You can also find an overview of the options for storing research data in the Work environment section Research.

Related services

Access for: S = students, E = employees

Service Access for Suitable for Access via Authorisation for external persons Storage space Costs Restore data yourself
ACOnet FileSender

S, E

data shared with other persons browser yes up to 250 GB free of charge
u:wiki joint project work unlimited yes
Webspace E personal websites, websites for business purposes network drive, SSH, SFTP, SCP, browser 50 GB
Central backup backup of data locally installed software no unlimited