Storing data

Illustration Daten speichern

Storing data

During the research process

If you, as a researcher, have to store research data during the research process in the short or medium term, the following services are offered:

  • If you do not have to share data with other persons, you can store them on your personal online storage space.
  • If you would like to collaborate on data, you can get storage space via the Share service.
  • Data that you store on the cloud storage u:cloud or u:cloud pro can be accessed from everywhere with every device and they can be easily shared. u:cloud pro is especially suitable for research projects and working groups.


Service Storage space Storage period Collaboration Costs
Online storage space 10 GB
can be enlarged in justified cases
until termination of employment no free of charge
Share unlimited unlimited employees of the University of Vienna, extended u:account for guests
limited: students of the University of Vienna
EUR 0,03 per GB/year
u:cloud 50 GB until termination of employment employees and students of the University of Vienna
limited: external persons
free of charge
u:cloud pro 250 GB
can be enlarged in justified cases
unlimited employees of the University of Vienna EUR 0,03 per GB/year

A detailed overview of the possibilities to store, share and secure data at the University of Vienna can also be found in the news article Where to put my data? (in German).


The ZID recommends storing research data only in cloud services that are operated by the University of Vienna, such as u:cloud. If you use public clouds by external providers, there are certain risks, such as low data security or undesired distribution or reproduction of you research data.

Further information about cloud services and contact details for questions about this topic, are available under Cloud computing or in the IT security tips regarding cloud storage.

After the end of the research process

In accordance with the related data management plan, research data must be archived and made accessible after the end of the research project. For this purpose, the University of Vienna is offering several repositories for different data types complying with the FAIR principles.

  • You can archive and publish your research data in the form of files, such as research results, publications, digitised media in the PHAIDRA repository.
  • Research data in the field of social sciences can be archived in the AUSSDA (Austrian Social Science Data Archive) repository. The AUSSDA team also gives advice on questions related to research data management to researchers from the social sciences.
  • As a researcher, you can archive the source code for software developed in research projects on GitLab.

For images, you can also use the internal research and teaching data base UNIDAM (in German). UNIDAM does not comply with the FAIR principles. The images stored in it are not publicly accessible and do not have a permanent address.


You must store research data for which no suitable service is available? Please contact the Research Data Management team via The team is happy to learn about your specifications and to jointly develop new services. In case other researchers at the University of Vienna have similar specifications, the team may also coordinate a possible collaboration.