Creating, processing and analysing data

Illustration Daten bearbeiten

Creating, processing and analysing data


Organisational units of the University of Vienna can rent software subject to licensing requirements on beneficial terms at the ZID for their employees. This includes software for academic computing and for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative research data.


As a researcher you have the following possibilities to use supercomputing:

  • Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC): If your research project requires an infrastructure for extremely high computing resources and has been approved by a peer-review procedure, you can use the VSC. The VSC is run jointly by several Austrian universities, including the University of Vienna.
  • Life Science Compute Cluster (LiSC): The LiSC is a specialised high-performance computing infrastructure for research projects in the field of bioinformatics and computational life science. In contrast to the VSC, the LiSC is equipped with up-to-date bioinformatics software and databases. This way, the LiSC gives researchers of the University of Vienna easy access to supercomputing.
  • European Competence Centre Austria (EuroCC Austria): EuroCC Austria supports research institutions in the field of supercomputing. Its experts assist you in finding a suitable supercomputer for your research project.
  • Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE): Via ACOnet, you get access to the supercomputing network PRACE, and thus to supercomputers all over Europe for your research project requiring a lot of computing resources at the University of Vienna.

Server housing

If you are running self-managed IT services on your own servers to create and analyse research data in your research project, you can place them in the ZID server infrastructure by means of server housing:

  • With virtual server housing, you receive exclusive administrative access to the server. The ZID takes care of hardware purchase, maintenance and support, for which it charges a fee.
  • With physical server housing, servers that are not suitable for virtualisation can be accommodated in the rooms of the ZID.

Cloud services

Employees can obtain Microsoft Azure for research purposes at reduced rates through the University of Vienna. Microsoft Azure is a public cloud platform that provides over 200 cloud services.

These include infrastructure services such as virtual computers or storage space, services that provide or use artificial intelligence or machine learning, and container services.

Further reading