E-mail service
Students and employees of the University of Vienna, as well as external persons, receive a personal e-mail address including a mailbox free of charge as part of their u:account.
In addition, organisational units and subunits of the University of Vienna can use service e-mail addresses for special purposes.
During the last seven days ...
E-mail addresses
E-mail addresses at the University of Vienna take the following form:
– for example:a12345678@unet.univie.ac.at
(primary address)UserID@univie.ac.at
– for example:doejamie99@univie.ac.at
– for example:jamie.doe@univie.ac.at
You can find your e-mail address in Webmail in the top right corner or in the Outlook Web App after clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner. E-mail addresses of employees can be found in u:find.UserID@univie.ac.at
– for example:doejamie99@univie.ac.at
– for example: doejohn99@univie.ac.at
Guests only get an e-mail address if they have an extended u:account for guests.
Managing e-mails
You can send, receive and manage your e-mails in a variety of ways:
- Using an e-mail programme installed locally or an e-mail app: For further information about setting up the e-mail programme or app, please see our user guides for e-mail services.
- Using Webmail in your web browser
At some organisational units, you can also manage your e-mails using Exchange and using the Outlook Web App (OWA) in your browser. Please contact your IT representative.
You can find more information on potential dangers in e-mails and how you can handle these dangers in the video, the quiz and the IT security tips for users in the section E-mail.
E-mail attachments
Note the restrictions when sending e-mail attachments via the IMAP e-mail server of the University of Vienna:
- Maximum size of an e-mail is 50 MB. Maximum file size of attachments is approximately 35 MB per e-mail.
- Password encrypted archive files (e.g. ZIP) cannot be identified by the virus scanner. Therefore, sending them is not possible.
- Office files with activated macros (e.g. DOC) are not possible due to security reasons.
When sending these files, you will receive an error message. Instead, use the ACOnet FileSender or u:cloud.
Forwarding e-mails
The forwarding service allows you to forward your e-mails to another e-mail address (for example, your private e-mail address).
Check your e-mails regularly or set up a forwarding service to make sure that you receive important messages from the University of Vienna.
Requesting a service e-mail address
Use the form Service-E-Mail-Adresse beantragen (Requesting a service e-mail address, in German).
Organisational units at the University of Vienna can request a service e-mail address for the following purposes:
- Meetings, conferences and similar events
- Editorial offices of journals, academic associations
- Provision of various services within the scope of the University (e.g. for counselling offices, applications).
Information on how to request a new password for service e-mail addresses can be found under Password management.
Service e-mail addresses at the University of Vienna take the following form:
– for example: congress16b.sociology@univie.ac.at
purpose of the service e-mail addressorganisationalunit:
abbreviated designation of the organisational unit
Deactivating a service e-mail address
To deactivate a service e-mail address, the administrator has to send an e-mail to the ZID Helpdesk with the following details:
- Service e-mail address
- UserID of the service e-mail address: Sent to you via e-mail by the ZID Helpdesk after its request.
The head of the organisational unit and the IT representative are also entitled to deactivate a service e-mail address.
If you have forgotten your password for the service e-mail address, you can request a new password.